The benefits of Fermented Turmeric for the skin

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a rhizome (an underground stem) of the Zingiberacae family (the ginger family). This plant has been used for thousands of years in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.

Did you know? Turmeric is acclaimed for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power, especially when it is fermented.

Turmeric extract, multiple benefits


The main active compound in turmeric, curcumin, is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and protective properties for natural defenses . It is this characteristic in particular that makes turmeric an ideal ally for sensitive skin or skin prone to psoriasis or eczema . Thus, applying a turmeric-based mask can help soothe irritated skin and reduce redness. as well as inflammations .


Thanks to its antimicrobial properties , turmeric is also effective for acne- prone skin. By inhibiting the growth of acne-causing bacteria and reducing inflammation, turmeric helps prevent these types of breakouts, for clearer , healthier skin every day.


Regular use of turmeric can help brighten skin tone and improve skin radiance . Turmeric plays a role in blood microcirculation and allows better oxygenation of the skin. It can therefore have an interesting impact on bluish dark circles.


Turmeric supports the skin's natural healing process by helping with tissue repair and wound healing. It's therefore a great ally when you want to work on acne scars , for example, on your face.

myBlend innovates and takes hold of turmeric to increase its powers through fermentation...

A key active ingredient in myBlend products, turmeric is present in the brand's essential references. It is notably present in La Crème Régénérante , an exceptional global anti-aging treatment, in a completely different version.

Research into skin aging has shown that inflammation is an important factor in this overall process. This observation has given rise to the term inflamm'ageing .


Inflamm'ageing characterizes a chronic inflammation that contributes to the acceleration of aging . If the phenomenon of skin inflammation is a visible defense mechanism of our body (redness, edema, spots, etc.) put in place over a short period of time to eliminate a pathogen, inflamm'ageing persists over time. Without spontaneous resolution, this inflammation remains silent (we also speak of low-level inflammation), and is not visible.

Inflamm'ageing is maintained by oxidative stress generated by our lifestyle: stress, unbalanced diet, UV rays, pollution, lack of sleep, etc. In the skin, inflamm'ageing is the cause of repeated inflammatory micro-lesions induced by inflammatory mediators. This damage gradually degrades tissues and skin components such as cells, collagen fibers, elastic fibers or the extracellular matrix of the dermis. Over time, inflamm'ageing therefore promotes the appearance of signs of aging : deepening of wrinkles, loss of density, sagging, appearance of spots.


Plant fermentation is a natural chemical phenomenon , used by humans for thousands of years, for various applications such as wine making, vegetable preservation or even the production of natural fertilizers used in particular in organic farming.

During fermentation, organic matter (the plant) is transformed. The biochemical changes that occur are based on the action of enzymes produced by microorganisms (such as yeasts, bacteria, fungi or microalgae) placed in the presence of the plant, in an environment rich in specific nutrients, and under certain conditions (temperature, pH, oxygen and time).

Thus, through the biochemical transformations that it generates, fermentation makes it possible to obtain compounds that are not found in their raw state in nature, or to amplify the expression of molecules of interest naturally present in small quantities.

Used by the cosmetic industry, fermentation offers multiple benefits:

- Better bioavailability of active molecules,
- The transformation of simple compounds into molecules of interest ,
- Amplification of the biological activity of molecules and better efficiency,
- Or even the development of new biological properties .

An ancestral practice, fermentation is what is now called white biotechnology . This field of applications aims at the sustainable production of compounds of interest on an industrial scale from renewable resources . Through the use of enzymes produced by microorganisms, fermentation is a low-energy biotechnology that is more environmentally friendly than other technologies using chemical solvents or other transformation processes.


To combat inflamm'aging, myBlend has specially selected a turmeric extract and increased its powers through biotechnology.

The myBlend fermented turmeric extract (organic plant) is the result of mastering a complex process of several stages. An initial extraction of the turmeric rhizomes made it possible to obtain a first aqueous extract, fermented in a specifically developed nutrient medium . Then the turmeric processing is completed by filtration, pasteurization and preservation stages.

This fermentation of turmeric:

- Amplifies the amount of compounds of interest such as sugars and organic acids.
- Multiplies the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of turmeric, against inflamm'aging.
- Improves the bioavailability of molecules .
- Makes it effective in maintaining the balance of the microbiota , essential for good skin health.

Results :


Production of oxidized molecules.*


of inflammation molecules in the skin.*

With scientifically proven soothing power and powerful antioxidant activity , fermented turmeric extract effectively fights against damage linked to inflamm'aging and slows down skin aging .

*In vitro test on ingredient.
All the benefits of fermented turmeric
in our flagship products