5 minutes de lecture

All About the Radiant Power of Enzymes

Present in the natural state in all living organisms, plants, animals or humans, these proteins with a somewhat clever name are essential to ensure the proper functioning of this complex machine that is our body.

Also known for their benefits on the skin, enzymes have entered the world of cosmetics for a few years now. Because they are real assets for our beauty. But how do they work? What are they unique in? What types of products do they excel in? Find out everything (or almost) about these precious molecules…

Naturally indispensable

They are the guardians of our vitality! Because enzymes act on cells as "catalysts", that is to say they cause or accelerate specific biochemical reactions. They are real activity boosters that allow the metabolic processes of our body to be carried out correctly... and almost all of them are dependent on these molecules! Thanks to these seasoned and energetic workers, our cells will indeed be able to grow, reproduce and give the best of themselves.

Why use them on the skin?

In cosmetics, enzymes are primarily selected for their exfoliating power, the most common being "proteases". Technically speaking, these have the ability to dissolve the keratin proteins contained in the most superficial layer of the epidermis . More specifically, they allow the skin to be rid of its dead cells by easily "peeling" them off and at the same time eliminating excess sebum accumulated in the pores .

Thus, by carrying out this exfoliation , the enzymes stimulate the production of keratinocytes (the cells that make up 90% of the superficial layer of the epidermis ) and therefore cell renewal . The expression "renew skin" takes on its full meaning here: freed from all residue, the skin breathes better and regenerates. Perfectly clean, it is also ideally prepared for the application of a treatment whose effectiveness will be optimized.

What effects on the face?

100% natural, enzymatic exfoliation finds its place in a beauty routine that cares about the health and well-being of the skin. It guarantees quickly visible results:

  • A radiant complexion, thanks to the elimination of dead cells.
  • An anti-aging effect, created by accelerated regeneration of the epidermis .
  • A purifying and regulating action for combination to oily skin because this type of exfoliation does not activate the overproduction of sebum .

What makes enzymatic exfoliation unique?

Unlike traditional mechanical scrubs, enzymatic exfoliants do not contain "grains" and therefore have no abrasive effect that could cause irritation. They also differ from chemical peels based on fruit acids because they do not dissolve the entire surface layer of the skin but preserve viable cells.

Their action is thus very specific, more targeted and much gentler. An essential point that allows them to be used every day, even on the most sensitive skin. In addition, the pH of their formulation, close to that of the epidermis , respects its natural balance. Another significant advantage for optimal tolerance!

What treatments contain enzymes?

They are, for example, present in serums that specifically address a beauty issue such as the search for radiance. They express all their power by acting in depth and without being aggressive. Not only do they brighten dull complexions but they also refine the skin's texture and smooth features.

They are also found in so-called "enzymatic" cleansers : expert products that not only eliminate impurities but also, thanks to their stimulating action, revitalize the skin by regenerating it.

Generally extracted from fruits and vegetables such as papaya, pineapple and pumpkin, these very specific enzymes are natural sources of proteases. Papain and bromelain, for example, are among the active ingredients that have conquered the world of cosmetics and which we could no longer do without today.

As you will have understood, enzymes are perfect for improving the appearance of the epidermis day after day. By accelerating natural exfoliation , they intensify the formation of new cells and this, all in gentleness… For the greatest pleasure of a majority of skin types, including the most sensitive!