Our Articles and <span>Advice</span>
Our Articles and <span>Advice</span>

Our Articles and Advice

So that summer rhymes with well-being

Meals, outings, sunbathing, festive friendships; but also rest, sport, well-being and balance. In July and August, contradictory injunctions and desires multiply. So how can you do yourself some good without forcing yourself to a monastic summer? How can you enjoy your loved ones, but also yourself? A review of the good reflexes to have a great summer, in the full sense of the word!

The (un)suspected power of light…

Many cultures, much older than ours, believed in the beneficial effects of light on human beings… but it still remained to be proven.

Today, it's a done deal! From the very first observations to the most decisive discoveries, the virtues of light have been revealed and demonstrated. And today, "photobiomodulation" (the action of LEDs on living cells) further confirms its regenerative and soothing power. But how did we arrive at this technology, and on what scientific foundations? It's quite a story...

Photobiomodulation: shedding light on the restorative power of LEDs

LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes*) are now part of our daily lives. Low energy consumption, they have found their place in every room of the house…

But what is less well known is that this new generation of light bulbs also has therapeutic virtues for our skin. Indeed, LED technology is increasingly used in dermatological practices to treat and repair the skin. Discover with Doctor François Michel how LEDs will revolutionize skincare.

LED mask: how does it work?

To shed some light on this innovation, we met with Dr. François Michel, a dermatologist and expert in laser therapy, who participated in the development of the myBlend LED mask.

Restore your skin's radiance!

You notice it when you wake up in the mirror: your complexion looks dull... It lacks radiance and your skin seems devitalized, as if it had lost its energy.

But don't stress! By focusing on the right beauty habits, the right formulas and also taking care of your diet, your skin will very quickly regain all its radiance and you, the smile! We guide you.

The secrets of hydrated skin

Is your skin tight? Has it lost its softness? Are you experiencing a strange feeling of discomfort? These symptoms are often a sign of dry skin or dehydration… The good news is that there are solutions to remedy this. Let’s first discover the cause(s) before revealing all the secrets of velvety, water-filled skin.