Our Articles and <span>Advice</span>
Our Articles and <span>Advice</span>

Our Articles and Advice

The sun and its effects on the skin: we enlighten you!

When the sun comes out, it is difficult to resist the pleasure of outdoor walks and swimming. However, even if they are beneficial for our morale, its rays are not without danger for our health...

But what is their real impact on our skin? Are there differences between UV rays? Questions that you don't necessarily ask yourself when you expose yourself to the sun but whose answers will help you prepare effectively! Here are some basics to know for a summer under high protection.


In a cosmetics world in perpetual effervescence, where technological advances combine with the growing demands of consumers, brands are emerging that push the boundaries of innovation. Among these, myBlend stands out not only for its commitment to holistic beauty, but also for its recent success in winning the prestigious Marie Claire 2024 Prix d’Excellence de la Beauté.

From laboratory to high-tech beauty incubator

Between integrated R&D, exceptional scientific collaborations, and total control of product manufacturing, from their design to their marketing, including the sourcing of raw materials, we take you behind the scenes of the most high-tech dermo-cosmetic brand .

Ceramides, the key to healthy skin

Naturally present in the skin, ceramides are part of the large family of lipids, to which also belong the famous fatty acids and cholesterol. More discreet than their counterparts, they nevertheless represent 50% of our skin lipids and are essential for the health of the epidermis and a radiant complexion!

True guardians of the skin, ceramides are now included in the composition of many skincare products. Their benefits are multiple, especially if you combine them with a "repair" routine specially adapted to skin in need of comfort: we explain...

What beauty routine for summer?

Summer is a season that invites you to relax, go for long walks and of course, enjoy the sun. However, for the skin, this period can be synonymous with stress and aggression. In order to preserve its beauty and health, we present all the myBlend products that will accompany you everywhere, in order to protect, moisturize and repair your skin throughout the summer period.

Skin cleansing: adopt the right actions

Exposed to many impurities such as pollution, dust or perspiration, your skin needs to be cleansed at least once a day. In addition, as it is constantly renewing itself, it is important that you are able to opt for a skin cleansing capable of eliminating excess sebum, dead cells and toxins. What are the right actions to take in order to keep a fresh complexion and radiant skin? How to properly cleanse your face? We answer your questions.