

Hexylresorcinol is a synthetic molecule derived from resorcinol, long recognized for its pharmacological benefits. It is used in cosmetics and food for its antioxidant and lightening properties.

This molecule has antioxidant and anti-glycation properties. Glycation is a natural phenomenon, a chemical reaction resulting from the fixation of sugars on skin proteins and thus forming glycated proteins that stagnate in the dermis and stiffen it. They are particularly sensitive to oxidation, promoting the appearance of pigment spots.

The myBlend molecule (INCI name: hexylresorcinol) has a hydrophilic part and a hydrophobic part, which allows it to naturally integrate the hydrolipidic film of the epidermis and to be more easily assimilated by the skin. This active ingredient, purified by a crystallization process, is present in depigmenting treatments.

Two in-vitro and ex-vivo studies have validated the anti-blemish action of this Hexylresorcinol on the face.

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